Computers and You, Kurt R. Stehling; 246 pp; $1.50. A Mentor Book (New American Library), 1301 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019; 1972. In an easy-to-read book Kurt R. Stehling outlines the impact of the computer in several fields. The phenomenal growth and impact of computers and technology in education, transportation, medicine, weather, defense and space, business and commerce, the government and social uses is presented in separate chapters. The detail is sufficient to generate a certain amount of appreciation in addition to the acquisition of knowledge about computer uses. A general background and explanation of computers introduces the reader in a quiet way to this computer technology. A Glossary of Computer Terms is also included to help the novice reader with any unfamiliar terms or jargon. The author expresses his ideas in a very readable fashion with parenthetical dry wit that is entertaining. Unfortunately, a sexist bias is evident in such references that equate a card punching phase with 200,000 woman days rather than worker days and a woman fumbling for change rather than a person. Such stereotyping is certainly unnecessary to accomplish the objective of the book. The text can be easily read and enjoyed by an adult audience of general readers. Technical explanations are minimal and computer applications are explained in depth. It is an informative and enjoyable book to read. Jane Donnelly Gawronski San Diego, Calif, *** Computer-Assisted Instruction Project Final Report, by Alex Dunn and Jean Wastler. 507 pp., $12.50, Montgomery County Public Schools, Rockville, Maryland, 1972. This is the final report of a three year computer-assisted instruction project in the Montgomery County Public School System, Montgomery County, Maryland. It provides those interested with the account of how a school system planned, developed, and implemented computer-assisted instruction. The report includes a description of the instructional modules developed and used in the project. The documentation for each unit includes behavioral objectives, description of how the unit can be used, and the mode of presentation to the students. The units range from elementary school subjects such as operations with whole numbers through senior high school subjects such as trigonometry, chemistry, and physics. The text is illustrated with many f1ow-charts showing the instructional strategy of each unit and with sample computer print-outs showing the students' interaction with the computer. This well written report also includes a description of the validation and evaluation of the project, a cost analysis of the operation, and a description of the computer system used. This book should be recommended to administrators and supervisors who might be considering computer-assisted instruction as a means of using today's technology to individualize instruction. Bruce W. De Young Oakland, NJ Snobol: An Introduction To Programming, by Peter R. Newstead. 160 pp paper. $5.25. Hayden Book Co., 19.75. Every budding programmer deserves to have his mind blown periodically, to extend his view of what can be done with computers and how differently ideas can be expressed within a computer language framework. For anyone whose sole experience is with the usual algorithmic languages, e.g. BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/I, or even Assembly languages, an introduction to the power of expression inherent in SNOBOL can be a refreshing experience. I feel that it should be more widely available than it is, even though SNOBOL4 is outnumbered in its implementations by only a few of the above. It is wider in its applicability, especially for students who have not yet crystallized their occupational goals, than many of the others; yet most initial introductions into programming these days appear to be into BASIC. The present book is designed to aid in teaching SNOBOL as a first language. Its treatment of computing in general is short and elementary and largely that of analogy. The teacher may have his own methods for this phase; chapter 1 is simply one point of view. The introduction to the language itself starts gently in chapter 2 and builds at a good pace, with lots of examples and exercises. Details of coding conventions and the intricacies of pattern matching follow in subsequent chapters. There is a good chapter on debugging and a chapter on user-defined functions which just skirts the edge of comprehensibility for a beginning programmer. How good is the book? I think it will demand a good teacher with some experience and perhaps affection for the language, but it seems to be a good beginner's text. Any SNOBOL text is bound to have difficulty in competing with those by Griswold (the original SNOBOL author) etal: Griswold happens to be an excellent writer as well as authoritative. But the present book may be more useful as a beginner's text than some of the older books on the subject. Lynn Yarbrough Lexington, Mass. *** Business Data Processing I, by Robert Albrecht. Student workbook $2.00, Teacher's guide $1.50. Digital Equipment Corp., Maynard, MA 01754; 1974. This is probably unlike most of the business data processing books you've seen. This one gets right into BASIC programming. The intent of this is to develop a series of programs to manipulate data. Working with subscripted variables, manipulating lists, and sorting lists are at the heart of this workbook. This treatment of subscripted variables is one of the best I've seen. A fresh writing style, plenty of annotated programs, drawings, and a host of both programming and non-programming exercises combine to make this a winner. The teacher's guide is but a collection of solutions. I would have liked to see teaching suggestions, alternate and additional exercises, more programming problems, etc., in such a guide. If you know this material, you don't really need the solution guide. Joseph Kmoch Milwaukee, WI AMERICANS SPEND HALF AS MUCH ON THEIR CHILDREN'S TEXT BOOKS AS THEY DO TO FEED THEIR DOGS AND CATS DURING THE LAST CENTURY 400,000 TITLES HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED IN THE FIELD OF PSYCHOLOGY 293