Credit Card Crooks In Brooklyn, New York, there is a certain stretch of one street that is now known as Mugger's Alley. On this particular street there stands a bank computer that serves as a 24-hour-a-day cash dispenser. The customer sticks his credit card into the machine and the machine forks over a folderful of money. Then a mugger sticks his gun into the customer's back and the customer forks over the money to the mugger. This is one example of credit card thievery. But it is by no means the only type that can occur, nor is it the most serious kind of credit card crime. Instead, picture this scene from the very near future: A new breed of electronic mugger eliminates the middleman (the credit card customer) and mugs the computer itself - electronically bypassing the various checkpoints and making the cash machine regurgitate money until it is empty. It would be the proverbial perfect crime: thousands would be stolen and there would be no witnesses, no evidence and no documentation. It may have happened already. The technology for cleaning out a money machine is known, and for an electrical engineer, it is neither difficult nor costly. [image] USE OUR NO FINANCE CHARGE 90 DAY CASH PLAN MOST MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED OPEN DAILY 9-9 SAT. TILL 6 JUST SAY CHARGE IT If this sophisticated kind of bank robbery has actually ever occurred either no one knows about it or no one is talking about it. Banks and computer manufacturers are working feverishly to prevent such grand larceny from taking place, but they have yet to find a way to enforce security economically. The only solution they have come up with is the magnetic stripe, a black line on the back of many credit and charge cards. The composition of that stripe is similar to the sensitive surface of sound-recording tape. Instead of recording sounds, however, the "mag stripe" records various bits of information about the card and its holder, encoded for reading by a computer terminal for transmission to a central computer. In much the same way that a playback head on a tape recorder picks up and transmits the sounds recorded on the tape, a "reader" picks up and transmits the data encoded on a mag stripe to a centrally located computer which runs a check on the card and sends back either an all clear or a warning signal. The entire process takes only a few seconds to complete. Security provided by a mag stripe is not only quick and convenient, it also thwarts the major techniques of today's credit card thieves - stolen and altered cards. Magnetic stripes may sound like the answer to a credit card security officer's dreams, but, unfortunately, the equipment needed to read the stripes is often too expensive for most subscribers to afford. Lawrence E. Shoemaker of Diners Club explains the situation: "Let's assume a terminal costs a thousand dollars. We have well over three hundred thousand merchants. If we supply each of them with a terminal, that's a cost of three hundred million dollars. Even if those terminals saved us as much as a half-million dollars annually, it would take us six hundred years to amortize the costs." Manufacturers, including Bell Laboratories which has already developed the Transaction Telephone to try to cope with such dramatic expense, are trying to surmount the current cost obstacle of terminals. But there are still problems. Not all credit cards have the stripe, so all terminals have a provision for by-passing the mag stripe reader. Small banks to not have the equipment to take advantage of mag stripe technology at all, so they don't bother with it. Yet, mag stripes do seem to offer the best security available against credit card crime, and in 1971, the American Bankers Association gave the mag stripe its blessing. However, it seems that as fast as technology can come up with methods of preventing crime, it can also find ways of beating those methods. Citibank of New York, one of the nation's largest credit institutions, did not share the rest of the industry's confidence in the mag stripe. It challenged 22 Cal Tech teams to thwart the system and offered $15,000 as incentive to anyone who could. Citibank had to pay off 22 prizes. Phillip H. Dorn, president of a computer security firm, says that any sophomore-level engineering student could also have built at least four or five devices to beat the system out of scraps lying around any engineering lab. As we move into a society that bases its money handling less and less on cash transactions and more upon computerized techniques of transferring funds, there seems to be even greater reason to fear electronic robbery. Experts, however, are optimistic about the future. They cite how computers, even now, help security people to spot trends and patterns in the fraudulent use of credit cards, Thus, while increased utilization of electronics and of data processing may open some avenues for a new breed of sophisticated criminal, it may also help to close off some escape routes. The crook who manages to mug a computer could be caught by that computer. [Adapted from "How Credit Card Crooks Pick Your Pocket" by Marvin Grosswirth, Science Digest, June 1975.] 89