Waiting for the Great Computer Rip-Off by Susan Hastings Computers have come to be deeply and pervasively involved in the basic business functions of our society. Top executives might die off, factories blow up, foreign subsidiaries get nationalized, but if you really want to see a company president blanch, ask him what he would do if the magnetic tapes with his accounts receivable got erased. And as sophisticated electronic and magnetic data replace manually kept books, the dangers of almost undetectable large scale crime being committed by unscrupulous computer experts is becoming a serious problem for both the manufacturers and the users of even the very most secure systems now in existence. Data stored in machines has not only replaced old-fashioned accounting systems, but it has also gone a long way toward replacing tangible assets. According to Richard Mills, a vice-president of First National City Bank in New York, "The base form of an asset is no longer necessarily a 400-ounce gold bar; now assets are often simply magnetic wiggles on a disk." For criminal purposes, anyone familiar with computers may be able to manipulate those wiggles so that funds are fraudulently credited to an account, a bank balance is programmed never to fail, or the record of ownership of very large sums is changed. One expert has said that for a criminally-minded person with a lot of skill, it's about as difficult as "solving a hard Sunday crossword puzzle," to read, alter, and tamper with intricate programs. Computer crime has not yet been proven to be an overwhelming source of loss, but no one really has any valid statistics as to how much subversion is actually going on. There are indications, however, that a lot more crime occurs than is ever detected. One expert puts the ratio of undiscovered to discovered crime on the order of one hundred to one. Donn Parker, the leading expert on the history of computer crime, admits that of the nearly 175 cases he has investigated, almost all were exposed accidentally. A classic case of embezzlement via computer was uncovered accidentally last year when New York police raided a bookie and found his best customer to be an $11,000-a-year bank teller who for weeks at a time had gambled up to $30,000 a day. The man who had access to his bank's computer terminals, would simply pocket customers' deposits and type in false information to the machine, usually transferring money from long-unused accounts. By combining such elementary computer manipulations with workaday larceny, he managed to net 1.5 million dollars before he was caught. Donn Parker has analyzed twelve cases of computer embezzlement that occurred in 1971 and found that the losses averaged $1.09 million apiece, or about ten times the average embezzlement loss. With ever larger amounts of credit and other assets moving into EDP systems it seems inevitable that more criminally inclined people with more elaborate resources will grab for the prizes so temptingly exposed. "There are something like a million programmers in the country right now," observes Willis Ware, a computer-security expert, "and if only one per cent of these were inclined to be dishonest, that's ten thousand dishonest programmers." The fact that employee dishonesty as a cause for computer related losses in business jumped from fourth to second place in all losses in just [image] three years, may mean that it just takes time for dishonest people to learn how to take advantage of their opportunities. And even as computers themselves become more sophisticated, the criminals who attempt to subvert them become more cunning and less detectable. With the advent of time-sharing and multi-access systems, there is opportunity for more far-ranging crime than was demonstrated in the comparatively elementary manipulations of the embezzling bank teller. Years ago college students began to exploit the possibilities of a system's vulnerability when they used their computer knowledge to read various instructors' stored exam questions. When that wasn't enough, they even learned to change their own grades. Nowadays few manufacturers or users are unaware of the lack of total security in any computer operations. Perhaps most disturbing in its implications is the result of many attacks waged by The Defense Department's "tiger teams", who try to penetrate systems being considered for defense. So far, there is no major system that has been able to withstand a dedicated attack. Manufacturers believe that their computers can be made more crime-proof, but to do so will be expensive in both hardware costs and user convenience. Alternatives to the often laughably weak password defenses are being considered: some companies are working on devices that will only recognize a personal insignia such as the shape of a hand. Wiretapping might be avoided through the development of message scrambling devices, but the problem here is that a really ambitious criminal could use his own unscrambling computer to defeat such a device. However, even as these and many other security devices are being developed, experts are beginning to admit that a sophisticated and highly motivated thief is not likely to be deterred for long. Manufacturers say that it's pointless to bring out new systems capable of resisting attack until their customers adopt better physical security measures in their own installations as well as better screening of computer employees. Considering that it's the employees who not only have the most access to computer data, but also know the most about the intricacies and weaknesses of the systems, one can understand Robert Jackson's suggestion for preventing crime: he speculated that the first step might be to "shoot the programmer." [Adapted from "Waiting for the Great Computer Rip-off" by Tom Alexander, Fortune, July 1974.]