Computer Abuse The Need for a Rational Perspective by David P. Snyder, Research and Operations Analysis Division, U. S. Internal Revenue Service* Computers, like most modern scientific and industrial developments, have had a lot of bad press. Technology of all kinds has provided the popular media with an increasing number of themes and plots in recent years. Even documentary books about dysfunctional technological performances have made the best seller lists (e.g., The Silent Spring, Unsafe At Any Speed). I mention these popular treatments of technology because they are the principle means by which the general public becomes conscious of the technical aspects of its environment. Few of us have ever been inside a submarine, but most of us have a pretty good personal conception of what we think it would be like, because of the detailed representation of submarines in books and films. And so it is that most people "know" about computers. They have read, (or read about) "1984” which has, in only 25 years, come to epitomize the pubIic's image of the "computerized society." As required reading in many high school curricula, Mr. Orwell's social-science fiction novel has already served to give its author's name to an era that has not yet (and hopefully will never) occur. This single fictional image has become so strong that Washington bureaucracies tended to terminate their 1974 l0-year plans with Fiscal Year 1985 rather than calendar year 1984 (like hotels which "skip" the 13th floor). And, in the milieu of continuing post-Watergate revelations of secret data banks, wire-taps, martini-olive transmitters and other elaborate electronic arcanery, ”Orwellian" has replaced "Kafkaesque" as the most widely-used intellectual epithet. Given such an environment, only the most hearty proponents of automation are not speaking cautiously about computers as being "two-edged" swords, whose power for social and political evil must be carefully proscribed before we can avail ourselves of their economic and intellectual benefits. Of course, it has always been easy to conceive of any technology as an anti-social force, since the existence of only one potentially destructive application will make a technology suspect. Upon the briefest reflection, we should quickly see that only the most trivial technological innovation would be completely free from such drawbacks. (The umbrella is the most recent one I can think of.) This is why it is so difficult to contrive a believable concept of Utopia; by definition, utopia must be perfect in every detail; every man a king and no one's oxen gored. By contrast, a possible socio-political nightmare may be easily conceived simply by amplifying any one of a number of existing social, technological or political imperfections. Of course, the mention of "imperfections" raises another popular target of computer critics. Computers are not perfect; they make mistakes. Never mind that the vast *The views expressed in this article do not reflect the policies or practices of the U. S. Treasury Department, and are solely the personal professional opinions of Mr. Snyder. Mr. Snyder is a Management Analysis Officer with the U. S. Treasury Department in Washington, D. C. A former consultant to the RAND Corporation, he is an active writer/lecturer on info-com technology and social values. He is a member of the Board of the Washington Chapter of the World Future Society, and Associate Editor of The Bureaucrat Magazine. bulk of these mistakes are the fault of those who programmed or loaded them. Those who mistrust computers have ample justifications for their concerns. What kind of confidence can we afford to place in a system which obstinately screws up our department store charge account for 14 consecutive months? How can we possibly assign significant responsibilities to a device which inexplicably sends sewer and refuse service bills to 3rd grade students in lieu of their report cards? In short, somewhere between the public's fictionalized and personal computer experiences there has emerged the image of a frighteningly powerful yet slow-witted and malicious servant who is not to be trusted. Small wonder, then, that practically every innovative computer application is challenged with a flurry of adversary questions which reflect about as much substance and factual comprehension as the old, "Yes, but would you want your sister to marry one?" Let's take just one current example. Several state and local jurisdictions have recently adopted, or are considering adoption of, a computerized psychological testing service to be used by a variety of public services such as juvenile aid, correctional agencies, mental health, social welfare, and education. The economic incentive is clear enough - consulting psychologists charge $100-$200 to administer such tests, while the computer testing service will charge only $3.00-$5.00 to analyze and score a psychological profile administered by any public service employee. Of course, our normal first reaction to such a proposal is one of horror; here is the archetype of computerized dehumanization! I am inclined to share such concerns, but not because of the use of the computer. Rather, I am extremely skeptical about our ability to accurately encapsulate an individuaI's psychological nature in a questionnaire, regardless of who administers it and how it is analyzed. However, clinical tests have shown that doctors, conducting medical examinations of patients with routine [image] Members of panel session on "The Communications Revolution: Creating the Global Community", at the Second World Future Society General Assembly, June 3, 1975. From left to right: Stuart Brand, Publisher of the Whole Earth Catalogue, Robert Theobald, Socio-Economist and Author, Bob Johansen, Communications Researcher, Institute for the Future, and Dave Snyder, Management Analysis Officer, U. S. Internal Revenue Service. (Photo: Courtesy of World Future Society Photographer: Jim Mack) 91