Calorie counting is important in most diet plans. Unfortunately, the process of looking up every item of food you eat is discouragingly tedious. And even if you conscientiously keep track of calories, how do you know how much progress you're making?
Your body burns a certain number of calories per day. The number depends on your sex, build, and activities. In order to lose weight, you must eat fewer calories than your body needs, forcing it to convert fat tissue into carbohydrates. On the other hand, if you eat more calories than your body burns in one day, the excess is converted into fat.
3500 Calories = 1 Pound
In order to lose one pound of fat, you have to miss 3500 calories. In order to gain a pound, you have to have an excess of 3500 calories. This is not on a daily basis; calories accumulate. So if you ate 1000 more calories each day than your body used, you would gain one pound in about three and a half days.
Since any calculation is spread over many days, it can be hard to see progress, or to forecast how long it will take to shed excess weight. The computer is of great aid here.
"CalCalc" asks you a number of questions, such as your sex and age, to determine how many calories you need each day. You then enter everything you?ve eaten at the end of the day, selecting foods and quantities from a list (a menu, appropriately enough). Just press the letter corresponding to the food you ate. If you don?t see a certain food, press RETURN to see more items.
What if you ate a food not on the list? This is not too hard, since we've included only a sample selection of foods, found in the DATA statements from lines 1140 and up. To customize this list to your preferences and habits, just purchase a pocket-sized calorie counter (available at most grocery-store checkout counters). Then add to or change the DATA statements.
There is one DATA statement for each food. The first item on the line (after the word DATA) is the name of the food. Make the name less than 20 letters long. The next item, preceded with a comma, is the number of calories in an average serving, followed by a comma, and the description of the average serving, such as 1 CUP or one 8" EAR. The last DATA statement (line 1500 here) should be END,0,0 which marks the end of the list.
After you've pressed the letter corresponding to the food you've eaten, the computer will display the quantity (such as one cup) and calories of an average serving. You enter the multiple or fraction in decimal of the quantity given. For example, if you drank two glasses of milk for breakfast, enter a 2 for two one-cup portions. If you had half a medium orange, enter 0.5. CalCalc then displays the calories for the food consumed, and the cumulative total of calories. You continue to enter foods for everything you've eaten.
You can also approximate calories. For example, if you ate a chicken-filet sandwich, you could select T, chicken (one 4-ounce serving), and K, two one-slice portions of white bread. Or if you can look on the wrapper of the product, you can enter the calories directly. Just press the number sign, #, instead of a letter and enter the calories literally.
After you've finished entering all the foods, the computer is ready to forecast weight loss. It bases this forecast on the assumption that you will eat about the same number of calories each day. Just enter the number of days you want to "look ahead," and CalCalc will tell you how much weight you will have lost. If you're eating too much, it will, with equal placidity, show you how much you'll have gained.
CalCalc makes dieting much easier. It goes beyond mere automation of a calorie counter by letting you see the effect of changes. By cutting down on meals and checking your total calories wiht CalCalc, you can see if you'll lose weight.
100 GRAPHICS 0:POKE 752,1:GOSUB 1020:DIM A$(1),FOOD$(19),AMOUNT$(10) 105 OPEN #1,4,0,"K":POKE 82,0 110 PRINT "{DOWN}WARNING: CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE" 120 PRINT "{9 SPACES}USING THIS PROGRAM OR ANY" 130 ? "{9 SPACES}OTHER WEIGHT-LOSS TECHNIQUE." 140 ? "{DOWN}ARE YOU MALE OR FEMALE?" 150 GET #1,A:A$=CHR$(A):IF A$<>"M" AND A$<>"F" THEN 150 160 SX=0:IF A$="F" THEN SX=1 170 IF SX=0 THEN 200 180 ? "{DOWN}ARE YOU PREGNANT";:GOSUB 980:IF YES THEN PREG=1 190 ? "{DOWN}ARE YOU NURSING";:GOSUB 980:IF YES THEN NU=1 200 GOSUB 1020 210 ? "ENTER 0 IF NOT KNOWN:":? 220 TRAP 220:? "{UP}{UP}NUMBER OF CALORIES CONSUMED?0{2 LEFT};:POKE 752,0:INPUT CAL:POKE 752,1:TRAP 40000" 230 IF CAL<0 THEN PRINT "{DOWN}{BELL}IMPOSSIBLE":GOTO 200 240 IF CAL>=4500 THEN PRINT "{DOWN}";CAL;"CALORIES? ARE YOU SURE";:GOSUB 980:IF 1-YES THEN 200 250 IF CAL THEN 730 260 PX=0:PY=10:GOSUB 1020 270 FOR I=1 TO 26 280 READ FOOD$,CL,AMOUNT$ 290 IF FOOD$="END" THEN 330 300 POSITION PX,PY:? CHR$(I+192);":";FOOD$:PY=PY+1 310 IF I=13 THEN PX=20:PY=10 320 NEXT I 330 REM 340 IF PEEK(20)>60 AND PEEK(20)<120 THEN POSITION 2,23:? "ENTER # OR LETTER OF FOOD"; 350 IF PEEK(20)>120 AND PEEK(20)<180 THEN POSITION 2,23:? "PRESS RETURN TO GO ON{5 SPACES}"; 360 IF PEEK(20)>180 THEN POSITION 2,23:? "PRESS * WHEN DONE{4 SPACES}";:POKE 20,0 365 IF PEEK(764)=255 THEN 340 370 GET #1,A:A$=CHR$(A):IF (A$<"A" OR A$>"Z") AND A$<>CHR$(155) AND A$<>"*" AND A$<>"#" THEN 340 380 IF A$<>CHR$(155) THEN 410 390 NX=NX+1:IF FOOD$="END" THEN RESTORE :NX=0 400 GOTO 260 410 RESTORE 420 IF A$="#" THEN 600 430 IF A$="*" THEN 660 440 FOR I=1 TO NX*26+ASC(A$)-64 450 READ FOOD$,CL,AMOUNT$ 460 NEXT I 470 GOSUB 1020 480 PRINT "FOOD: ";FOOD$ 490 PRINT "CALORIES PER ";AMOUNT$;":";CL 500 PRINT "{DOWN}ENTER QUANTITY OF ABOVE FOOD" 510 PRINT "CONSUMED, USING A MULTIPLE OR":? 520 TRAP 520:PRINT "{UP}{UP}A DECIMAL FRACTION?0{2 LEFT}";:POKE 752,0:INPUT QU:POKE 752,1:TRAP 40000 530 IF QU=0 THEN 590 540 IF QU<0 THEN PRINT "{DOWN}{BELL}IMPOSSIBLE":FOR W=1 TO 500:GOTO 470 550 PRINT "{DOWN}CALORIES OF ";FOOD$;":";CL*QU 560 PRINT "{DOWN}CALORIES CONSUMED SO FAR:";:CAL=CAL+CL*QU:PRINT CAL 570 ? "{2 DOWN}PRESS RETURN TO CONTINUE..." 580 GET #1,A:A$=CHR$(A):IF A$<>CHR$(155) THEN 580 590 RESTORE :NX=0:GOTO 260 600 GOSUB 1020:? "{DOWN}ENTER ABSOLUTE QUANTITY" 610 ? "{DOWN}OF CALORIES FOR FOOD NOT ON LIST:":? 620 TRAP 620:? "{UP}{UP}?0{2 LEFT}";:POKE 752,0:INPUT CL:POKE 752,C1:TRAP 40000 630 IF CL=0 THEN NX=0:GOTO 260 640 IF CL<0 THEN ? "{DOWN}{BELL}IMPOSSIBLE":FOR W=0 TO 5000:NEXT W:GOTO 600 650 QU=1:GOTO 560 660 GOSUB 1020 670 PRINT "TOTAL CALORIES CONSUMED:";CAL 680 ? "{2 DOWN}DOES THAT SOUND REASONABLE";:GOSUB 980 690 IF YES THEN 730 700 ? "{DOWN}DO YOU WANT TO":? "RE-ENTER THE CALORIES";:GOSUB 980 710 IF YES THEN CAL=0:GOTO 260 720 PRINT "{CLEAR}":END 730 GOSUB 1020:? :? 740 TRAP 740:PRINT "{UP}{UP}WHAT IS YOUR AGE?20{3 LEFT}";:POKE 752,0:INPUT AGE:POKE 752,1:TRAP 40000 750 IF AGE<20 OR AGE>70 THEN PRINT "{DOWN}YOU MUST BE BETWEEN 20 AND 70" 760 IF AGE<20 OR AGE>70 THEN FOR W=1 TO 300:NEXT W:GOTO 730 770 IF AGE>=20 OR AGE<30 THEN CPD=3200:IF SX THEN CPD=2300 780 IF AGE>30 AND AGE<40 THEN CPD=3104:IF SX THEN CPD=2231 790 IF AGE>40 AND AGE<60 THEN CPD=2768:IF SX THEN CPD=1990 800 IF AGE>60 AND AGE<70 THEN CPD=2528:IF SX THEN CPD=1587 810 CPD=CPD+1000*NU+450*PREG 820 ? "{DOWN}ON A SCALE OF 1-5" 830 ? "1=MODERATELY ACTIVE, 5=VERY ACTIVE" 840 ? "HOW ACTIVE ARE YOU?" 850 GET #1,A:A$=CHR$(A):IF A$<"1" OR A$>"5" THEN 850 860 CPD=CPD+VAL(A$)*200 870 GOSUB 1020:? "{DOWN}ESTIMATED ENERGY EXPENDITURE":? "IN CALORIES IN ONE DAY:";CPD 880 ? "{DOWN}TOTAL CALORIC INTAKE IN ONE DAY:";CAL 890 DF=CAL-CPD 900 ? "{DOWN}NUMBER OF DAYS TO PROJECTED" 910 TRAP 910:? "WEIGHT LOSS/GAIN?1{2 LEFT}";:POKE 752,0:INPUT ND:POKE 752,1:TRAP 40000 920 IF ND<1 THEN 910 930 ? "{DOWN}AT THE CURRENT CONSUMPTION, YOU SHOULD" 940 IF DF<0 THEN PRINT "LOSE ";:GOTO 960 950 ? "GAIN "; 960 PRINT INT(ABS(DF*ND)/3500);" POUNDS." 970 END 980 ? "? (Y/N):"; 990 GET #1,A:A$=CHR$(A):IF A$<>"Y" AND A$<>"N" THEN 990 1000 YES=0:IF A$="N" THEN PRINT "NO":RETURN 1010 YES=1:? "YES":RETURN 1020 PRINT "{CLEAR}"; 1030 ? " {3 N}{3 SPACES}{2 N}{3 SPACES}{N}{5 SPACES}{3 N}{3 SPACES}{2 N}{3 SPACES}{N}{4 SPACES}{3 N}" 1040 ? " {F}{G} {G} {F}{G} {G} {B}{2 G}{3 SPACES}{F}{G} {G} {F}{G} {G} {B}{2 G} {F}{G} {G}" 1050 ? "{B}{G}{H}{3 SPACES}{B}{G}{H} {J}{B} {B}{G}{H}{3 SPACES}{B}{G}{H} {J}{B} {B}{G}{H}{3 SPACES}" 1060 ? "{B} {3 SPACES}{B} {N}{V} {B} {B} {3 SPACES}{B} {N}{V} {B} {B} " 1070 ? "{B} {3 SPACES}{B} {G} {B} {B} {3 SPACES}{B} {G} {B} {B} " 1080 ? " {G} {2 M}{G}{B} {4 SPACES}{B} {M}{G} {G} {2 M}{G}{B} {4 SPACES}{B} {M}{2 G} {2 M}{G}" 1090 ? " {J}{3 SPACES} {G} {G} {G}{3 SPACES} {J}{3 SPACES} {G} {G} {G}{3 SPACES} {J}{3 SPACES}" 1110 ? :POKE 85,11:? "CALORIE CALCULATOR" 1120 PRINT "{40 R}" 1130 RETURN 1140 DATA CHEDDAR CHEESE,113,1'' CUBE 1150 DATA COTTAGE CHEESE, 27, 1 OZ 1160 DATA WHOLE MILK,166,1 CUP 1170 DATA NONFAT MILK,87,1 CUP 1180 DATA GRAPEFRUIT,77,1 CUP 1190 DATA ORANGES,70,1 MED. 1200 DATA CANTALOUPES,37,1/2 MELON 1210 DATA APPLES,87,1 MED. 1220 DATA ORANGE JUICE,108,1 CUP 1230 DATA CORN FLAKES,96,1 CUP 1240 DATA WHITE BREAD,63,1 SLICE 1250 DATA WHOLE WHEAT BREAD,55,1 SLICE 1260 DATA HAMBURGER MEAT,316,3 OZ. 1270 DATA STEAK,293,3 OZ. 1280 DATA LAMB CHOP,480,4 OZ. 1290 DATA BACON,48,1 SLICE 1300 DATA HAM,340,3 OZ. 1310 DATA FLOUNDER,78,4 OZ. 1320 DATA TUNA FISH,170,3 OZ. 1330 DATA CHICKEN,227,4 OZ. 1340 DATA EGGS,640,1 CUP 1350 DATA SUGAR,48,1 TBS. 1360 DATA CARROTS,68,1 CUP 1370 DATA POTATOES,120,1 MED. 1380 DATA BEET GREENS,39,1 CUP 1390 DATA LETTUCE,7,4 SM. LEAVES 1400 DATA SPINACH,46,1 CUP 1410 DATA BAKED BEANS,295,1 CUP 1420 DATA LIMA BEANS,152,1 CUP 1430 DATA CORN,92,8'' EAR 1440 DATA PEAS,74,.5 CUP 1450 DATA TOMATOES,30,1 MED. 1460 DATA 4% BEER,150,12 OZ. 1470 DATA BLACK COFFEE,9,1 CUP 1480 DATA COLA BEVERAGES,83,6 OZ. 1490 DATA POTATO CHIPS,108,10 2'' CHIPS 1500 DATA END,0,0
- line 770:
770 IF AGE>=20 OR AGE<30 THEN CPD=3200:IF SX THEN CPD=2300
This sets the CPD variable no matter what age was entered because every number is >=20 or <30! The line should read:770 IF AGE>=20 and AGE<30 THEN CPD=3200:IF SX THEN CPD=2300
- lines 780 through 800:
Notice something missing? What if the user is exactly age 30, 40, or 60? In this case, the program's incorrect logic on line 770 will set the CPD (even though it wouldn't be appropriate). The lines of code should include a >= instead of just a >, as shown here:780 IF AGE>=30 AND AGE<40 THEN CPD=3104:IF SX THEN CPD=2231 790 IF AGE>=40 AND AGE<60 THEN CPD=2768:IF SX THEN CPD=1990 800 IF AGE>=60 AND AGE<70 THEN CPD=2528:IF SX THEN CPD=1587
These lines have not been fixed in the listing above or below, it is simply being pointed out.
Listing. CalCalc.
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