You are in love with the Princess Dilayna and have asked her father the King for her hand in marriage. Her father does not particularly like you. He challenges you to demonstrate your worthiness by capturing the three evil wizards that have been ravaging the kingdom for years. They each live in their own castle protected by their servants—the bat-wingers, the blinkers, the chokers, the stompers, and the crushers. The castle rooms are rumored to be deadly, the untouchable walls, fast-moving enemies, and no exits. You reluctantly accept the King's challenge.
Fortunately, a friendly magician gives you a cloak that makes the wearer invisible. But the cloak's power works only for a limited time in each room. Once the time is up, you are instantly destroyed. The magician also gives you a magic spell that temporarily freezes all servants in a room. But you must use this spell with care: it will consume a portion of the cloak's power each time it is used.
Armed with these aids, you leave on your quest. The King wishes you good luck—or did he say good riddance?
The object of "Castle Quest" is to capture the three wizards. To reach each wizard, you must pass through the ten rooms of his castle. The rooms are inhabited by the wizard's servants, who move about quickly in an unpredictable manner. The higher numbered rooms in each castle have more servants (up to 32). The servants move progressively faster as you complete more rooms.
You have three lives to capture the first wizard. Capturing a wizard earns you three additional lives. Touching a servant or a room wall or failing to exit a room within the allotted time will cause loss of a life. You cannot exit a room until you capture both door keys in that room by touching them. One key is invisible until the other key is touched.
Once both keys are captured, the room's exit appears—unless you are in a castle's tenth room. In this case, the wizard appears, and you must capture him before you can escape. Also, once you capture the first key, your presence becomes known to the wizard, and he causes room wall segments to move to block your escape. You must move quickly to avoid destruction.
A counter at the top of the screen signals the amount of "cloak time" remaining. Pressing the joystick fire button will temporarily freeze the action, permitting you to move safely past a tight corner, but you lose 50 units of cloak time each time you use the freeze option. The room number and the number of your remaining lives are displayed at the top left of the screen. Your score—a measure of your ability to elude the many dangers involved—is displayed at the top right of the screen.
Room patterns, key locations, servant locations, and wizard placement are randomly generated, so be prepared to touch keys partially embedded in walls, move through weird mazes, etc. Sometimes a secret passageway is created at the bottom or in a room's right wall. You may use these passageways for a quick, easy escape.
10 REM {5 SPACES}MEMORY SAVER{14 SPACES} 20 C0=0:C1=1:C2=2:C3=3:C4=4:C5=5:C6=6:C7=7:C8=8:C9=9:C10=10:C15=15:C16=16:C256=256:RAMTOP=PEEK(106):MISSION=C1 30 REM INITIALIZATION ROUTINE{7 SPACES} 40 GOSUB 1080:GOSUB 770:GRAPHICS C16:? "{CLEAR}":POKE 752,C1:SETCOLOR C2,C0,C0:GOSUB 310 50 T1=C8:GOSUB 1150:T1=C16:GOSUB 1150:G=C0:L=C3:Q=C0:C=C0:X1=C0:SCORE=C0 60 GOSUB 320 70 REM {4 SPACES}ROOM SETUP ROUTINE{9 SPACES} 80 GOSUB 970:GOSUB 450:GOSUB 1340:GOSUB 1500:POKE 1568,C1:POKE 77,0:POKE 53248,60:POKE 53249,W1 90 IF C=C10 THEN GOSUB 340 100 X=USR(1767):FOR I=C0 TO 100:NEXT I:POKE 1568,F 110 REM {6 SPACES}MAIN PROGRAM LOOP{8 SPACES} 120 G=G-C1:IF (PEEK(1566)<>C0) OR (G<C0) THEN 400 130 IF PEEK(203)>204 THEN 520 140 POSITION 23-(G>999)-(G>99)-(G>C9),C0:? CHR$(B);G;CHR$(B):IF G<100 THEN SETCOLOR C2,C4,C0 150 X=PEEK(53260):IF (X-X1)>=C2 THEN POKE 53250,W2:POKE 53249,C0:IF PEEK(706)<>N THEN GOSUB 380:POKE 706,N 160 IF X-X1>=C4 THEN POKE 53251,W3:POKE 53250,C0 170 IF X>=C6 THEN GOSUB 260 180 IF STRIG(C0)=C0 THEN POKE 1568,C1:G=G-50:FOR I=0 TO 250:NEXT I:POKE 1568,F 190 CHBASE=RAMTOP-C8-C8*(INT(G/2)=G/2):POKE 756,CHBASE 200 IF PEEK(706)=N THEN IF RND(C0)>0.95 THEN PLOT INT(RND(C0)*38),INT(RND(C0)*22):GOSUB 240 210 IF STICK(C0)<>15 THEN SOUND C2,100,C6,C8:SOUND C2,C0,C0,C0 220 GOTO 120 230 REM {3 SPACES}"SHOOTING" SOUND ROUTINE{3 SPACES} 240 FOR I=C0 TO 30:SOUND C0,I,C0,C15:NEXT I:SOUND C0,C0,C0,C0:RETURN 250 REM ROOM EXIT OPENING ROUTINE{4 SPACES} 260 IF C=C10 THEN IF X<>14 THEN RETURN 270 FOR I=C0 TO C5:POKE SC+C10*40+I*40-C1,C0:NEXT I:POKE 53278,255:FOR I=C15 TO C0 STEP -C1:SOUND C0,C10,C10,I 280 SOUND C1,11,C10,I+C1:SOUND C2,12,C10,I+C2:SOUND 3,13,10,I+3:NEXT I:FOR I=0 TO 3:SOUND I,C0,C0,C0:NEXT I 290 POKE 53251,C0:POKE 53250,C0:POKE 53278,255:RETURN 300 REM USER INFORMATION ROUTINES{3 SPACES} 310 POSITION C10+C1,C10:? "Wait for game setup":RETURN 320 C=C+C1:POSITION C10,C10:? "Get ready for Room ";C:C=C-C1:RETURN 330 REM WIZARD PLOTTING ROUTINE{6 SPACES} 340 PL=(RAMTOP-9)*256:PL=PL+52+INT(RND(C0)*151):RESTORE 350:FOR I=C0 TO 11:READ Z:POKE PL+I,Z:NEXT I 350 DATA 102,36,126,90,126,126,66,90,60,60,36,102 360 W3=70+INT(RND(C0)*130):POKE 707,P:RETURN 370 REM "KEY TOUCHING" SOUND ROUTINE 380 SOUND C2,20,C10,C10:SOUND C1,80,C10,C10:FOR I=0 TO 30:NEXT I:SOUND C1,C0,C0,C0:SOUND C2,C0,C0,C0:RETURN 390 REM USER FAILS TO ESCAPE ROOM{3 SPACES}{8 SPACES} ROUTINE{21 SPACES} 400 FOR I=C0 TO C3:POKE 53248+I,C1:NEXT I:POKE 1568,C1:? "{CLEAR}":SETCOLOR C2,C0,C0:IF Q THEN RETURN 410 POKE DL+C15,C7:POSITION C4,C10:IF Q THEN RETURN 420 POKE 756,224:? "TOUGH LUCK!":FOR I=C0 TO 200:SOUND C0,C6,100,C8:NEXT I:SOUND C0,C0,C0,C0:T2=C1 430 POKE DL+C15,C2:L=L-C1:? "{CLEAR}":C=C-1:GOSUB 320:C=C+1:GOTO 80+500*(L<=C0) 440 REM DETERMINE NEXT ROOM'S{9 SPACES}{8 SPACES}CHARACTERISTICS ROUTINE{7 SPACES} 450 A=INT(C16*RND(C0))*C16+C6:M=INT(C16*RND(C0))*C16+C2:N=INT(C16*RND(C0))*C16+C4:P=INT(C16*RND(C0))*C16+C8 460 B=33+C-C6*(C>5):C=C+C1:D=C2+C2*(C>C1)+C4*(C>C3)+C8*(C>C6)+C16*(C>C9) 470 E=INT(RND(0)*5+7):POKE 1763,E 480 F=C2+(C>C9)+C2*(MISSION-C1) 490 G=100+C*50:COLOR B:POKE 1578,31:POKE 1566,C0:POKE 756,RAMTOP-C8:POKE 53278,255:X1=C0 500 SETCOLOR 2,C7*(C=7)+C2*(C=8)+C1*(C=9)+C3*(C=10),C0:RETURN 510 REM USER ESCAPES FROM A ROOM{5 SPACES}{8 SPACES} ROUTINE{22 SPACES} 520 Q=C1:GOSUB 400:GOSUB 410:POKE 756,224:? "{3 SPACES}ATTABOY!":Q=C0 530 FOR I=C0 TO C5:SOUND C0,C10,50,C8:POKE 705,C10:POKE 706,C10:POKE 710,C10:POKE 712,C10:FOR J=C0 TO 50:NEXT J 540 SOUND C0,C10,100,C8:POKE 705,C0:POKE 706,C0:POKE 710,C0:POKE 712,C0:FOR J=C0 TO 50:NEXT J:NEXT I 550 SOUND C0,C0,C0,C0:POKE DL+C15,C2:? "{CLEAR}":GOSUB 320:SCORE=SCORE+MISSION*INT((G*C)/C10) 560 IF C=C10 THEN GOTO 580+110*(MISSION=C3) 570 GOTO 80 580 REM {3 SPACES}END A QUEST ROUTINE{8 SPACES} 590 ? "{CLEAR}":POKE DL+C9,C6:POKE DL+11,C6:POKE DL+13,C6:POKE DL+15,C6:POKE 707,C0:IF L<=C0 THEN 660 600 POSITION C2,C4:? "congratulations!":POSITION 26,C5:? "YOU HAVE":POSITION C3,C7:? "COMPLETED YOUR" 610 POSITION 27,C8:? "QUEST":C=C0:L=L+C3 620 POSITION C5,15:? "Press START to continue":POSITION C5,17:? "Press SYSTEM RESET to quit" 630 POSITION C5,19:? "SCORE: ";SCORE 640 POKE 53279,C8:IF PEEK(53279)<>C6 THEN 640 650 ? "{CLEAR}":POKE DL+C9,C2:POKE DL+11,C2:POKE DL+13,C2:POKE DL+15,C2:MISSION=MISSION+(L>C0)*C1:GOTO 60+620*(L<=C0) 660 POSITION C7,C4:? "SORRY!":POSITION 24,C5:? "you blew it.":POSITION C2,C7:? "quests completed ";MISSION-C1 670 GOTO 620 680 RUN 690 REM USER WINS THE GAME ROUTINE!{3 SPACES} 700 GRAPHICS 2:SETCOLOR C2,C0,C0:POSITION C6,C4:? #6;"YOU WON!":? "Press SYSTEM RESET and then 'RUN' to"; 710 POKE 752,1:? :? "begin a new game." 720 POSITION C1,C7:? #6;"final score ";SCORE 730 FOR I=255 TO C0 STEP -C1:SOUND C0,I,10,10:POKE 712,I:POKE 710,I:NEXT I 740 GOTO 740 750 POKE 1568,C1:RUN 760 REM PUT A VERTICAL BLANK INTERRUPT{8 SPACES} ROUTINE IN PAGE 6 OF MEMORY 770 RESTORE 790:FOR I=1536 TO 1536+247:READ A:POKE I,A:NEXT I 780 RETURN 790 DATA 173,4,208,201,4,240,2,208,22,173,99,228,141,36,2 800 DATA 173,100,228,141,37,2,141,30,6,141,30,208,76,98,228 810 DATA 0,162,2,202,240,42,138,72,173,10,210,41,7,10,170 820 DATA 189,0,1,133,206,133,208,232,189,0,1,133,207,133,209 830 DATA 32,148,6,165,207,157,0,1,202,165,206,157,0,1,104 840 DATA 170,208,211,162,5,173,120,2,202,240,197,24,106,176,249 850 DATA 72,224,2,240,8,224,1,208,13,230,203,208,2,198,203 860 DATA 165,203,141,0,208,208,32,169,0,224,4,240,8,168,145 870 DATA 204,230,204,76,134,6,160,7,145,204,198,204,160,0,185 880 DATA 240,6,145,204,200,192,8,208,246,104,76,83,6,160,0 890 DATA 152,145,206,173,10,210,41,1,208,15,169,56,141,201,6 900 DATA 169,233,141,204,6,141,210,6,208,13,169,24,141,201,6 910 DATA 169,105,141,204,6,141,210,6,173,10,210,41,1,208,2 920 DATA 169,40,141,205,6,216,0,165,206,0,0,133,206,165,207,0 930 DATA 0,133,207,177,206,240,8,165,208,133,206,165,209,133,207 940 DATA 169,11,145,206,96,104,168,162,6,169,7,76,92,228,60 950 DATA 126,90,126,90,102,126,60 960 REM SETUP PLAYER-MISSILE GRAPH- {9 SPACES}ICS ROUTINE{18 SPACES} 970 POKE 559,62:POKE 54279,RAMTOP-C16:POKE 53248,C1:POKE 53277,C3 980 PL=RAMTOP-12:Y=PEEK(88):Z=PEEK(89):POKE 88,C0:POKE 89,PL:POKE 106,PL+C3:? "{CLEAR}":POKE 88,Y:POKE 89,Z 990 POKE 106,PL+12:PL=PL*C256+120:IF C=C0 OR C=C10 THEN Z=(RAMTOP-C9)*C256:FOR I=Z TO Z+255:POKE I,C0:NEXT I 1000 FOR I=C0 TO C7:POKE PL+I,PEEK(1776+I):NEXT I 1010 POKE 203,60:POKE 204,PL-INT(PL/C256)*C256:POKE 205,INT(PL/C256) 1020 PL=(RAMTOP-11)*C256:PL=PL+52+INT(RND(C0)*151):RESTORE 1030:FOR I=C0 TO C7:READ Z:POKE PL+I,Z:NEXT I 1030 DATA 0,6,15,249,255,166,160,0 1040 W1=70+INT(RND(C0)*130):PL=(RAMTOP-C10)*C256:PL=PL+52+INT(RND(C0)*151):RESTORE 1030:FOR I=C0 TO C7 1050 READ Z:POKE PL+I,Z:NEXT I:W2=70+INT(RND(C0)*130):POKE 705,M:IF T2=C1 THEN C=C-C1:T2=C0 1060 POKE 53249,C0:POKE 53250,C0:RETURN 1070 REM {4 SPACES}TITLE PAGE ROUTINE{7 SPACES} 1080 GRAPHICS 18:SETCOLOR C2,C0,C0:POKE 708,202:POSITION C5,C2:? #C6;"CASTLE":POSITION C9,C4:? #C6;"QUEST" 1090 DL=PEEK(560)+C256*PEEK(561):POKE DL+13,C2 1100 POSITION C3,C8:? #C6;"How many rooms can you survive?" 1110 FOR I=C0 TO C3:POKE 708,C0:SOUND C0,60,C10,C8:FOR J=C0 TO 100:NEXT J:SOUND C0,160,C10,C8:POKE 708,202 1120 FOR J=C0 TO 100:NEXT J:NEXT I 1130 SOUND C0,C0,C0,C0:RETURN 1140 REM SETUP SPECIAL CHARACTER SETS {9 SPACES}ROUTINE{22 SPACES} 1150 RESTORE 1160:CL=(RAMTOP-T1)*C256:FOR I=CL+C8 TO CL+95:READ A:POKE I,A:NEXT I 1160 DATA 204,51,204,51,204,51,204,51,102,153,102,153,102,153,102,153 1170 DATA 136,34,136,34,136,34,136,34,68,17,68,17,68,17,68,17 1180 DATA 36,146,73,36,146,73,36,146,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255 1190 DATA 195,102,60,24,24,0,0,0 1200 DATA 255,255,195,195,195,195,255,255 1210 DATA 255,255,0,0,0,0,255,255 1220 DATA 24,24,60,24,255,199,199,255 1230 DATA 24,255,0,0,0,0,0,0 1240 FOR I=128 TO 224:POKE CL+I,PEEK(57344+I):NEXT I 1250 DL=PEEK(560)+C256*PEEK(561):IF T1=C16 THEN RESTORE 1260:FOR I=CL+56 TO CL+95:READ A:POKE I,A:NEXT I 1260 DATA 0,0,0,24,24,60,102,195 1270 DATA 0,0,60,60,60,60,0,0 1280 DATA 0,0,255,255,255,255,0,0 1290 DATA 60,24,24,24,60,60,0,0 1300 DATA 24,24,24,24,24,24,24,255 1310 IF T1=C16 THEN FOR I=CL TO CL+C7:POKE I,C0:NEXT I 1320 RETURN 1330 REM RANDOM ROOM MAZE GENERATOR {9 SPACES} ROUTINE{20 SPACES} 1340 ? "{CLEAR}":POKE 752,C1 1350 PLOT C0,C0:DRAWTO 39,C0:DRAWTO 39,23:DRAWTO C0,23:DRAWTO C0,C0 1360 X=C10:Y=C0:Z=C7:GOSUB 1400:X=C15:Y=C5:Z=13:GOSUB 1400:X=C10:Y=C16:Z=C7:GOSUB 1400 1370 IF RND(C0)<0.5 THEN PLOT RND(C0)*31+C8,11:DRAWTO RND(C0)*31+C8,11 1380 POSITION C6,C0:? C:POKE 704,A:POKE 705,M 1390 POSITION C9,C0:? L:POSITION 30,C0:? SCORE:RETURN 1400 ON INT(RND(C0)*C8+C1) GOSUB 1410,1420,1430,1440,1450,1460,1470,1480 1410 RETURN 1420 PLOT X,Y:DRAWTO X,Y+Z:RETURN 1430 X=X+C10:GOSUB 1420:RETURN 1440 X=X+20:GOSUB 1420:RETURN 1450 GOSUB 1420:GOSUB 1430:RETURN 1460 GOSUB 1430:GOSUB 1430:RETURN 1470 GOSUB 1420:GOSUB 1460:RETURN 1480 POP :GOTO 1360 1490 REM WIZARD'S SERVANTS PLOTTING{3 SPACES}{9 SPACES}AND ADDRESS CALCULATION ROUT-{9 SPACES}INE. ADDRESSES KEPT IN STACK 1500 SC=PEEK(88)+C256*PEEK(89):FOR I=C0 TO D-C1:IF INT(RND(C0)*C4)>C2 THEN 1520 1510 H=SC+40+INT(RND(C0)*279):GOTO 1530 1520 H=SC+680+INT(RND(C0)*239) 1530 HI=INT(H/C256):LO=H-HI*C256:POKE C256+I*C2,LO:POKE H,E 1540 POKE C256+I*C2+C1,HI:NEXT I:IF D=32 THEN RETURN 1550 FOR I=(D-C1) TO 31:POKE C256+I*C2+C1,254:NEXT I:RETURN
Listing. Castle Quest.
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