The Talk-Box
From: Michael Current (aa700@cleveland.Freenet.Edu)
Date: 04/21/92-07:48:08 PM Z
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From: aa700@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Michael Current) Subject: The Talk-Box Date: Tue Apr 21 19:48:08 1992 Reprinted from the A.C.E.C. BBS (614)-471-8559 ______________________________________ Xx The Talk-Box ______________________________________ by Gene Strojny and Robert Emerick Can we talk? I mean... can we talk? Better yet, can your Atari XL home computer system talk? What? You mean you don't have a speech synthesizer for your computer? Well, now there's no excuse not to. I'm going to show you how to build one yourself for less than $30.00. Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Well, it is true, using Radio Shack's SPO256-AL2 IC speech processor chip. The main problems with the speech sythesizers currently on the market is that they cost too much, or use an excessive amount of RAM. The schematics for the "Do It Yourself" kits are usually too technically complex for all except an experienced Electronics Technician. Even the schematics for the SPO256-AL2 are obscure for someone who only knows the very basics of electronics. I have tried to simplify things and have eliminated all but the most essential components. I ended up with a schematic that just about anyone should understand. The SPO256-AL2 Chip The Radio Shack SPO256-AL2 chip is a pre- programmed IC chip. It has all the basic speech sounds programmed into it. This means that no RAM is tied up holding the speech synthesis routines. I won't elaborate too much on how the words are formed from the basic sounds, since the SPO256-AL2 comes with a small user's manual. This manual contains a lesson on basic speech production, a list of the basic speech sounds programmed into the chip and their decimal POKE equivalents, a small dictionary of words and their decimal equivalents, as well as the technical data for interfacing. The Circuit There is nothing critical about the circuit. You may assemble it on a perf board using wire wrapping, or if you like, you may make your own printed circuit board. The parts list is given in Table One. The wiring diagram is given in Figure One, and the pin out configuration for the joy stick ports is shown in Figure Two. When building the circuit, install the 28-pin DIP socket first. The use of the socket is strongly recommended so that you don't have to apply the soldering iron directly to the chip and risk burning it out. Next, install the resistors, capacitors and cables. The wires in the joystick are color-coded, but as far as I know, there is no correlation between the color of the wire and the pin numbers. Check each wire to be sure which pin it corresponds to. Table One: Parts List Qnty. and ID Description Part # ====================================== C1-C4 1 4.47pF 272-121 C5 1 0.1uF 50v 272-1069 C6 1 1.0uF 16v 272-1434 R1 1 100K 1/4 watt 271-1347 R2 1 10K 1/4 watt 271-1335 IC1 1 SPO256-AL2 276-1784 Xtal 1 3.579 MHz 272-1310 1 28 pin socket 276-1997 2 Joystick Cables 276-1978 1 Phone Jack 274-251 1 Plastic Case 270-222 1 Amplifier 277-1008 Attach the wires corresponding to the joystick port's pins to the corresponding pads on the circuit board. These are labelled in the schematic diagram. Install the SPO256-AL2 chip last, after everything else is in place. Leave the chip in its package until you're ready to install it. While this kind of chip is very forgiving when it comes to miswiring, it will give out quite fast when faced with static electricity. This means that you must make certain that you are grounded and aren't charged with static electricity whenever you touch the chip. There are two ways to hook up the audio. You may use a small battery powered audio amplifier like the #277-1008 that Radio Shack sells, or you may take your RS-232 cable end apart and solder a lead corresponding to pin #11 of the CIO port, as shown in Figure Three, to the center pin of a miniature phono jack (Pin #11 is the Cassette Audio pin.). The sound will be channeled through your monitor. If you do use this method, all other computer generated sound will be cut off until the connection is unplugged from the Talk-Box. If you plan to use the speech synthesizer in conjunction with programs that have sound effects, use the first method. Whichever method you choose, don't (I repeat, DON'T) connect your computer to an external, unregulated line powered amplifier. If you do, you will most assuredly fry your computer into Silicon Heaven. Using the Talk-Box All that has to be done to make the chip pronounce a word is to POKE the chip's decimal addresses (via the joystick ports) with the numbers which correspond with the group of sounds which make up that word. For example, the word HELLO consists of four sounds: H/E/LL/O. After you determine the word's individual sounds, look up the appropriate decimal values in the data manual supplied with the chip. The word HELLO would therefore be represented by the numbers 27, 7, 45, and 53. The joystick port must be configured for output before you can POKE data to it. This is done by PEEKing location 54018, subtracting 4 from the value found there, and POKEing the result back into 54018. Then you must POKE a 127 into 54016 and then returning 54018 to its original value. Your program must check to see if the SPO256-AL2 chip is busy before sending any data to it through the ports. This is done by checking bit 8 to see whether it's high or low (viz. 1 or 0). the chip sets this bit low when it's not busy, and high when it is busy. When bit 8 goes low, you must first POKE 54016 with (64 + the decimal value of the sound you wish produced). Next, strobe bit 7 by POKEing 54016 again with only the decimal value of your sound. This lets the chip know there is data on line, ready for it to accept. The chip will then accept the data and simultaneously set bit 8 high again until it is done making the sound. Listing One is a small program to test your Talk-Box. Just type in the listing and RUN it after you have plugged the Tis up. When the program is RUN, you should hear it say, "Hello. How are you?" If it doesn't, check to make sure you plugged all the cables into the correct ports -- the Talk-Box won't work if they are reversed. If it still doesn't work, re-check your wiring. If at this time you're all confused, don't worry about it. You really don't need to understand how the process works to use your Talk-Box. Just copy lines 100, 130 and 140 into your own program. Listing Two is a small word development program. It allows you to quickly enter words so that you can preview their sound. This is especially handy when you're not sure which of several similar sounds will produce the desired results. When you RUN Listing Two, it will prompt you to enter the decimal equivalent of the first sound in your word. Type in the number and then press RETURN. Continue until all the sounds of your word have been entered. Then press RETURN again. The program will pronounce your word, and will ask if you would like it repeated. If not, just press RETURN to continue. There are many uses for a speech synthesizer. Use your imagination. You might use it to give verbal error messages, prompts, or any other message that would normally be printed to the screen. I hope you enjoy the project as much as I did. If the response is good, I'll see if I can come up with some more easy projects. Did I hear someone mention a Do It Yourself printer buffer? Well, I just happen to.... -- Michael Current, Cleveland Free-Net 8-bit Atari SIGOp -->> go atari8 <<-- The Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG is the Central Atari Information Network Internet: / UUCP: ...!umn-cs!ccnfld!currentm BITNET:{interbit} / Cleveland Free-Net: aa700
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