ADR function 217
alternate character sets, in "Super TextPlot" 142
angular orientations, in "Super TextPlot" 142
ANTIC (A) command, in "SuperFont Plus" 129
ANTIC chip 6
ANTIC 4/5 character set, in "SuperFont Plus" 127, 128
ANTIC 4 mode 127, 245
ANTIC 5 mode 127, 245
Assembler Editor 248, 249
Assembler Editor manual 248
Atari 400 233
Atari 800 233
Atari 1200XL 233-47
incompatibilities 233, 242
key definition 235-36
memory map 233-47
new graphics modes 245-46
OS 244
Atari 1200XL Operating System Manual 240, 247
Atari BASIC graphics capabilities 201
Atari BASIC Reference Manual 38, 225
Atari character set 275-98
tables 279-98
Atari Personal Computer System Hardware Manual 37-38, 48, 201
"Atari Verify" utility 165-66
Atari XL models see XL models
ATASCII 5-6, 142, 225, 248-49, 275, 292
AUDCTL register 38-39, 45
audio control registers 45
audio frequency registers 45
"Automate" 167-73
automated system commands 167-73
AUTORUN.SYS file see "Automate"
back-arrow, as paragraph delimiter in "Scriptor" 105-6
BASIC, extensions to 174
BASIC cartridge 249
"Beginner's Keyboard" 55-56
blinking characters 27-30
braces, in program listings 299
BREAK key 175
bubble sort 259
"Cal Calc" 87-93
CAPS/LOWR key 8, 13, 14, 15, 17
cartridge, advantage for OS 175
"Castle Quest" 94-101
CDRMA2 register 28
CDTMA2 register 28
CDTMV2 register 28
CHACT register and inverse video 27-28
CHBAS vector 142
CIO (Central Input/Output) 176, 179
circles 153-60
difficulties in drawing 153
potential method 156-57
sines and cosines method 154-55
square root method 155-56
techniques 154
code conversions 10-11
ATASCII-ICODE conversions 10-11
Color Change mode, in "SuperFont Plus" 130
color rotation in P/M graphics 202
COMPUTE!'s First Book of Atari 67
COMPUTE!'s First Book of Atari Graphics 127, 142, 202
COMPUTE!'s Mapping the Atari 233, 246
COMPUTE!'s Second Book of Atari 165
COMPUTE!'s Second Book of Atari Graphics 217
CONTROL-lock key 8
CONTROL-1 key 10
CONTROL-2 key 12
"The Cruncher" 225-27
CTRL key, in "Scriptor" 105, 106, 107
cursor 103
control with joystick 163-64
cursor codes 163
DATA statement 299
debounce 17
De Re Atari 202
DIMension statement 31-32
DIR command 179
disk files 104
naming rules 107-8
display list, relocating 201
Dvorak keyboard layout 4, 8, 16
8-bit note table 49-50
"Elementary Numbers" 66-73
exponential operator 3
exponents 3
correcting inaccuracy of 3
F1 key 9, 13
on 1200XL 234
F2 key 9, 13
F3 key 9, 13
F4 key 9, 13
Fn keys 9
FOR/NEXT loops, inaccurate for timing 22
GET 23
GRAPHICS 0 mode 58, 129, 228
GRAPHICS 1 mode 129
GRAPHICS 2 mode 74, 129
GRAPHICS 7 mode 201
GRAPHICS 12 mode 245-46
GRAPHICS 13 mode 245-46
GRAPHICS 14 mode 245-46
GRAPHICS 15 mode 245-46
HELP key 9, 13
ICODE 5, 6, 10-11, 227, 292-93
internal code see ICODE
Internal Code Index 292-93
interrupts 9
INT function 3
jiffy 228
joystick 67
for cursor control 163-64
joystick codes 163
keyboard code see also KEYCODE
KEYCODE 4, 5, 7, 8, 10-11, 277, 296-98
on XL models 9
keys, customization 4-5
"Laser Gunner II" 216-24
LOCK command 178, 179
machine language, merging with BASIC
discussion 248-57
safe memory 250-51
Machine Language Index 294-95
matrix wastes memory 225
Mini-DOS, in "Scriptor" 107
music, 16-bit 45-51
Operating System, see OS
OS, defined 174-75
PEEK and POKE, sometimes faster than conventional commands 228
peripherals 175-76
Player/Missile graphics 201
explosions 205
fast motion 216
player definition 202
TRAPs 204-5
PLOT command 225
PRINT mode, in "Super Font Plus" 129
purging diskettes 195-98
Qwerty keyboard layout 4, 8
and strings 217
changing 201
RENAME command 178, 179
"Renumber Plus" utility 191-94
roots, exponential 3
RUBOUT key 102
SAVE, importance of 300
SAVE, important in "Scriptor" program 105
SCRATCH command 178, 179
screen editing characters 278
screen RAM, relocating 201
"Scriptor" 102-23
customizing 110
edit commands 111
formatting commands 112
Mini-DOS in 107
RETURN and 105
SAVE, important with 105
sheet feeding 109-10
text formatting 108-9
selection and exchange sort 259
selection sort 259
self-modifying code, in "Standings" program 76
SHIFT-CONTROL combinations 9
SHIFT-lock key 8
SHIFT-TAB key 12
16-bit dividers 47
16-bit note table 49-50
16-bit sound 48, 50-51
6502 machine language 167, 276
sort, defined 258
sort routine, in "Standings" program 75
sort utility, machine language 258-71
faster than BASIC 260
instructions 261-62
options 262
sound 37-44
difficulties with 37
"Sound Experimenter" 39-44
SOUND instruction 37, 50, 225
"Spelling Quiz" 57-65
SQR function 3
"Standings" 74-86
"Starshot" 201-15
string arrays 31-33
fast initialization 31
and renumbering 191
holding Player/Missile data 217
machine language in 252-53
take less space than matrices 225
"SuperFont" 127
commands 128-29
"SuperFont Plus" 127-41
new commands 129
"Super TextPlot" 142-52
alternate character sets in 142
angular orientations in 142, 147
applications 148
cautions with 146-47
loading 147-48
mathematics of 143-44
parameters 144-46
text formatting, in "Scriptor" 108-9
"TextPlot" 142
timer 22-26
times, sample 24
time test programs 229-30
timing, accurate 23-26
tokens, BASIC 191
TRAP 32-33, 196, 204-5, 227
tuning inaccuracy 46
reduced by 16-bit dividers 47
UNLOCK command 178, 179
USR function 144
Vertical Blank Interrupt 217-19
vertical blank period 27, 29, 163
wedge 176-77
"The Wedge" 174-90
word processing concepts 102-3
XIO 196
XL models 7, 9, 13
young children, computers and 66
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